Another big day for Meadow Pipits, with 1212 south at Reighton Sands this morning and 1117 south at the Gap. Other visible migration highlights from both sites included two Swifts, a Sand Martin, 121 Siskins, and (finally) signs of hirundines on the move, although exact numbers were hard to define with several hundred Swallows and House Martins feeding throughout the area. 15 Willow Warblers and a continental Song Thrush were in Top Scrub, a Whinchat remains in the Rocket Pole field, and an Arctic Skua and a Wheatear were the best of a seawatch. 

Lion’s Mane Jellyfish, Brigg (Mark Pearson)

Yesterday (11th), a total of 1291 Meadow Pipits headed south at the Gap, and single Balearic and Sooty Shearwaters were the best of an otherwise still very quiet sea.