Spotted Redshank & Greenshank, Dams (Mike Cole)
Plenty of Bottlenose Dolphin activity off our stretch of the coast has included two offshore today and three offshore on 20th (as well as sightings at various other coastal watch-points). a Great Egret at the Dams on 21st and 22nd has been the pick of bird sightings, with up to two Greenshanks, a Little Ringed Plover, a Redshank, a Dunlin, a Snipe and two Common Sandpipers there, as well as a late Redwing yesterday.

Holly Blue – one of multiple sightings in recent days (Judith Henley)
Two sightings of perhaps the same ring-tail harrier sp., at the Gap on 20th and offshore on 23rd, both went unidentified, while a (fully-winged) Mandarin is still at Primrose Valley lake, a Hobby went south over the town also yesterday, a few Manxies and Common Scoter have been over the sea, and a few Purple Sandpipers, Dunlin and the odd Sanderling are on the Brigg.

Mandarin, Primrose Valley (Will Scott)