A quieter day today, although notables included two Acredula Willow Warblers (Top Scrub and Arndale), 18 Yellowhammers in Short Hedge, a Tree Pipit, a Common Sandpiper and five Yellow Wagtails at East Lea, two Whimbrel and three Yellow Wagtails south at Carr Naze first thing, two fully-winged Mandarins with a sadly wing-clipped drake at Primrose Valley and a male Pintail north-west over the town.
Yesterday (26th), a Rough-legged Buzzard went north over Top Scrub, an early Hobby and two Grasshopper Warblers were at the Tip, a Tree Pipit and two Wheatears were on Carr Naze, two Common Sandpipers were at East Lea (with one at the Dams), and a Red-breasted Merganser was off the Brigg.

Speckled Wood (Judith Henley)