Waders were the main theme of the day today, with three Wood Sandpipers briefly down at East Lea, where four Golden Plovers, a Whimbrel, a Greenshank and a Snipe flew over and Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper were over at the Dams. A Swift also headed south at East Lea, three Yellow Wagtails were on the deck there, while a Hooded Crow went south over Carr Naze and a Marsh Harrier went north over Muston Road.

Wood Sandpipers, East Lea (Tony Feather)
Yesterday (29th), a Ring Ouzel was in Top Scrub, two Wheatears were on Carr Naze, a Great Northern Diver remains in the bay and small numbers of both Manx Shearwater and Sandwich Tern are trickling through over recent days on the sea.