At the Dams this eve, totals of 42 Pied, one White and one Yellow Wagtail and 75 Sand Martins, 55 Swallows and five Shelduck were among pre-roost congregations, while at the Gap, light movenents this morning included 23 Swallows, two House Martins and single Red-throated and Great Northern Divers.

Stock Dove, Short Hedge (Mike Cole)
Yesterday (5th), a Common Tern and a Whimbrel were bonuses on our Seabird Special event on Carr Naze, an acredula Willow Warbler was one of many birds shown to the public at the ringing station, and a Manx Shearwater, two Red-throated Divers and a Bonxie went south at the vismig session at the Gap.