A surge of hirundines late morning was the main story of the day, with over 500 (453s, 62n) counted through Reighton Sands between 1000-1145hrs, and a further 86n through Gristhorpe Bay earlier. A late Swift, 120 Swallows, four Mute Swans and a Ruff were further highlights from the former site, with two Golden Plovers at the latter. A Hobby was the pick of the Gap vismig this morning, and two Sooty Shearwaters, six Bonxies and eight Arctic Skuas were the best of a quiet sea. The Dams holds three Greenshank, three Black-tailed Godwit and five Green Sandpipers among the usuals, with two Greenshank and two Ringed Plovers at East Lea. Odd Snipe are at various wetland sites. 

Kestrel, Carr Naze (Adrian Hotson)

See below for a very exciting, one-off event down the road at Flamborough Bird Observatory – all proceeds towards their new seawatch hide – not to be missed!