Spoonbills (Ian Robinson)

Cold northerlies hardly inspire much hope at this time of year, but there have been some notable arrivals nevertheless, particularly in the shape of three Spoonbills (MC et al.) that spent a short while at the Dams this afternoon before heading south (with a male Goosander also there).

Pied Flycatcher (John Harwood)

The male Pied Flycatcher trapped and ringed by our crack team in the Top Scrub yesterday remained in situ today, while yesterday also provided Hobby which overflew the Top Scrub (PJD et al.), when the first significant arrival of Swifts included several there and ten over the town early on. The sea and visible migration have been predictably quiet, although several Yellow Wagtails and small numbers of Linnet and Goldfinches have moved along the coastal strip. 

Spoonbills (Will Scott)