Pink-feet at the Dams (Mike Cole)

It remains quiet locally, with most records of note involving long-stayers. On 1st, 61 Pink-feet and a Chiffchaff at East Lea. On 4th, 65 Pink-feet at the Dams and two Blue Fulmars north off the Brigg. On 5th, a Snow Bunting in the Rocket Pole Field, two Shelduck and the hybrid Shelduck at the Dams, 101 Red-throated Divers, 12 Great Crested Grebes and 14 Sanderling at the Gap, and a dark-bellied Brent Goose south off the Brigg.

On 7th, 62 Reed Buntings and 42 Magpies in the Dams/East Lea roost, 34 Moorhens in the fields to the west, 60 Pink-feet in the same area, three Water Rails in the reedbed, 65 Redwings south there and 20 Fieldfare north. On 8th, a Blue Fulmar south. On 9th, a Short-eared Owl in the Rocket Pole Field.