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So far Sam has created 85 blog entries.

February sightings

2025-03-03T14:49:14+00:00March 3rd, 2025|

Another quiet month On 1st 26 Curlew on farmland adjacent to East Lea pool. A long-staying Red-necked Grebe (all through February) was off Carr Naze. On 2nd Barnacle Geese still Football Field Flash and two - three Short-eared Owls  at the Tip all month. Thirteen Great Crested Grebe off Martin's Ravine on 3rd. on 5th

January 2025 sightings

2025-02-19T09:30:16+00:00February 19th, 2025|

A quiet month, as is to be expected. On 1st two Great Northern Diver off Royal Parade, Red-necked Grebe close in, off north end of coble landing, 18 Sanderling Bay Corner, and two Velvet Scoters >N. At Filey Dams on 2nd Oz Shelduck & Shelduck mate and at East Lea a pair of Pochard. In

December sightings

2025-01-02T09:14:42+00:00January 2nd, 2025|

On 1st an eclectic selection including nine Barnacle Geese south off seafront, 10 Bottle-nosed Dolphins north side of Carr Naze, Chiffchaff - entrance to Country Park; Kingfisher Dams main hide & 20 Wigeon East Lea, Red-necked Grebe (stayed until 24th) inshore off Hunmanby Gap and two Short-eared Owls and a Barn Owl cliff top beyond

Our New 2023 Filey Bird & Wildlife Report

2024-12-11T14:25:54+00:00December 11th, 2024|

We are proud to announce our 2023 Filey Bird & Wildlife Report is on sale now! With original front cover artwork by Ben Green. £15, plus £3 p&p. Contact report sales, Janet Robinson at Also available from Wrays and Filey Post Office.

November Sightings

2024-12-02T11:14:55+00:00December 2nd, 2024|

On 1st a Twite was in with Linnets around Carr Naze pond. On 2nd five Whooper Swans  south, three Knots, a Sandwich Tern, a juvenile Kittiwake, a Woodcock and a Shag on the Brigg end. On 4th six Shags, a Wigeon, a Red-throated Diver and a juvenile Arctic Tern off Brigg end. Five Little Gull

FBOG AGM 26th October 2024

2024-10-18T19:00:42+01:00October 18th, 2024|

FBOG’s 47th Annual General Meeting will take place on Sat 26th October 2024 at 4pm, in the Committee Room at Filey Golf Club. Access is through the Clubhouse main doors, turning left to the Committee Room.  The meeting should last no longer than 90 minutes. We have a vacancy on our team for Group Secretary,

September sightings

2024-10-11T15:39:13+01:00October 11th, 2024|

On 1st a Willow Warbler was singing on Long Lane. Two Purple Sandpipers, an Arctic Skua and an immature Caspian Gull on the Brigg. A sea-watch produced Red-necked Grebe 1N; Arctic Skua 12S; Bonxie 2S; Red-breasted Merganser 1N; Common Scoter 27S; Wigeon 6S, 1N; Manx Shearwater 30S. A female/juv Redstart and Wheatear were on Carr

August sightings

2024-09-01T17:33:21+01:00September 1st, 2024|

On 1st a long-staying Short-eared Owl was perched on a post in the Rocket Post field. Three fresh juvenile Mediterranean Gulls were in the bay corner and an adult on Filey Sands. Two juvenile Garganey, 1 Green Sandpiper, 2 Common Sandpiper, 3 Dunlin, 1 Snipe, and 1 Little Ringed Plover were in our wader hotspot

July sightings

2024-08-01T09:51:53+01:00August 1st, 2024|

A quiet month, waiting for autumn movement to begin. Short-eared Owl and Garganey were often seen. On 1st 20 Common Scoter flew north past Carr Naze, with a Little Egret at the Dams and a young Kestrel at nest box entrance. On 2nd An Arctic Skua went south from Carr Naze and there was a

June sightings

2024-07-04T10:32:22+01:00July 4th, 2024|

The Short-eared Owls continued to be seen all month around the Tip. On 1st there were three female Eiders on sea. On 5th an Avocet at East Lea. A Red Kite over the football flash on 6th.  A Wheatear was a surprise late spring bird on Carr Naze . On 7th 438 Swifts went south.