
About Sam

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So far Sam has created 85 blog entries.

September Sightings

2021-10-06T11:42:24+01:00October 6th, 2021|

September started with a bang with a Fea's type Petrel north off the Brigg on 1st. Sea-watching  was good for most of the month, with all the skuas, Sooty Shearwater and Manxies frequently seen. A Black Tern went past on 2nd, and another on 3rd. A Pied Flycatcher was in Church Ravine on 2nd, and

Migweek and FBOG

2021-09-28T16:06:08+01:00September 28th, 2021|

Migweek begins on 9th October, at various sites between Filey and Flamborough. Whilst FBOG applauds the aims of Migweek, FBOG has no involvement with any of the activities and events, other than the ringing sessions being put on at Filey during the week. These activities are the sole responsibility of the Migweek organisers, to whom

A Tale of Two Firsts

2021-07-09T15:29:55+01:00July 9th, 2021|

Filey has recently had two new additions to its birdlist. Cattle Egret was not unexpected, but American Golden Plover surely was, as was its method of detection. A Cattle Egret was photographed by Tony Simpson at Filey Dams on 7th July, but sadly did not linger, fading away like a Cheshire Cat. Another large white

e-Birding Hotspots

2021-05-14T19:38:51+01:00May 14th, 2021|

eBird is used by some members to record species at Filey. For those that like to keep a site list or any other bird list in fact, it is very useful. Until now it was not easy to extract records for the annual Report, but Oli Metcalf has kindly offered to do this for us,

Hot Off The Press!

2021-03-13T19:41:19+00:00March 13th, 2021|

The 2019 Filey Bird & Wildlife Report is on sale now! Priced at £10.00 + £3.00 P&P. Please contact Janet Robinson or call 01723 513 991.

Hides & East Lea – Lockdown 3 Information

2021-01-10T12:03:46+00:00January 10th, 2021|

The Seawatching hide on the Brigg and all the hides at Filey Dams are now closed, our members only reserve at East Lea is also closed. Please follow Government Guidelines and stay local. The FBOG Team  

Happy New Year – A Message from our Chairman

2021-01-01T11:51:09+00:00January 1st, 2021|

As you are aware North Yorkshire has been placed in Tier 3 and as such I have to inform you that the Sea Watch and East Lea hides will no longer be accessible from midnight on January 1st, with no exceptions. To ensure that we retain Observatory status and the prestige that goes with it,

Bird Gallery up and running again

2020-10-09T11:23:06+01:00October 4th, 2020|

Our Bird Gallery is active again, after some technical hitches. Its on the Sightings Tab. There  are seven pages, which you can click through at the bottom of each page, Next or Previous. Enjoy!

Update: Face-masks in FBOG Hides

2020-09-28T10:50:05+01:00September 23rd, 2020|

FBOG is striving to keep our hides open, but we are concerned that some birders are not being respectful of others, in regard to Covid-19 and face-masks.  To clarify, masks must be worn in the East Lea Hide if there is more than one person inside. Social distancing must also be adhered to. In the