
22nd September 2018

2018-09-22T11:37:07+01:00September 22nd, 2018|

The Gap continies to provide most of the local highlights, with another quality morning there providing counts of 1200 House Martins, 1140 Meadow Pipits, 360 Siskins, 255 Linnets, 112 Goldfinches, 40 Pink-feet and a Sand Martin. The Top Scrub saw a small arrival which included six Blackcaps, 10 Chiffchaffs, a Spotted Flycatcher and a Greenland […]

21st September 2018

2018-09-21T11:35:19+01:00September 21st, 2018|

Another good morning for visible migration at the Gap included 2240 House Martins, 80 Siskins and 200 Pink-footed Geese among others on the move. Two Roseate Terns south continued a good year for this species locally. Hobby was in the Top Fields, where there were also 101 Tree Sparrows, two wheatears, a Yellow Wagtail, 96 […]

20th September 2018

2018-09-20T11:23:18+01:00September 20th, 2018|

An extraordinary morning for visible migration at Hunmanby Gap resulted in over 6,000 birds moving through, which included 1150 Siskins, 600 House Martins, almost 3,000 Meadow Pipits, 55 Chaffinches, 30 Alba wagtails (and one White), site records of 75 Reed Buntings and 15 Grey Wagtails, 28 Pink-footed Geese, six Bullfinches, three Yellow Wagtails and a […]

19th September 2018

2018-09-19T21:45:50+01:00September 19th, 2018|

With strong south-westerly winds from a succession of Atlantic lows still dominating, Hunmanby Gap is providing the lion’s share of notable counts and sightings, with the best of today’s watch being 450 House Martins, 355 Swallows, 240 Siskins and seven Sand Martins. A further three Sand Martins were with 50 House Martins moving through the […]

18th September 2018

2018-09-18T16:52:19+01:00September 18th, 2018|

A busy day for vismig at the Gap was headlined by 1600 House Martins, 350 Swallows, nine Sand Martins and 67 Linnets, with a still very quiet sea contributing just two Arctic Skuas and a single Manx Shearwater. A Marsh Harrier roamed the northern area. 

17th September 2018

2018-09-17T16:19:57+01:00September 17th, 2018|

The Brigg provided plenty of highlights with the Curlew Sandpiper still, a Kingfisher, two Arctic, five Common and 15 Sandwich Terns, a Greenland Wheatear and a good selection of waders which included Purple Samdpiper, Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Redshank all trapped and ringed by the team after dark.   Top Scrub was generally quiet although 15 […]

15th September 2018

2018-09-15T22:23:29+01:00September 15th, 2018|

A total of over 300 Pink-footed Geese passed south through the area today, with 209 of those through the Gap, where a Swift and a Wheatear also headed south. Two Hobbies over the Country Park, and an increase in common passerines in Top Scrub included small numbers of Phylloscopus and Sylvia warblers and 15 Dunnocks.  […]

14th September 2018

2018-09-14T22:21:42+01:00September 14th, 2018|

Vismig at the Gap continued to be productive, with notable counts there including 600 House Martins, 212 Siskins and over 80 Pink-footed Geese. The Dams also continues its productive period with the Curlew Sandpiper still, nine Green Sandpipiers, five Greenshank, a Ruff and four Snipe among other species, and a second Curlew Sandpiper was on […]

13th September 2018

2018-09-13T22:17:25+01:00September 13th, 2018|

A Curlew Sandpiper was new at the Dams this morning, with highlights of visible migration at the Gap including 1147 Meadow Pipits, 162 Siskins, 708 House Martins and 205 Swallows, all south. A covey of 23 Grey Partridge at the Tip was the largest count this year of this scarce local species.    

12th September 2018

2018-09-12T16:32:16+01:00September 12th, 2018|

Another big day for Meadow Pipits, with 1212 south at Reighton Sands this morning and 1117 south at the Gap. Other visible migration highlights from both sites included two Swifts, a Sand Martin, 121 Siskins, and (finally) signs of hirundines on the move, although exact numbers were hard to define with several hundred Swallows and […]