
26th August 2018

2018-08-26T19:21:28+01:00August 26th, 2018|

A Balearic Shearwater, 75 Manx Shearwaters, five Arctic Skuas, 200 Common Terns and seven Bonxies were the highlights of a morning seawatch from the Brigg, while lesser numbers from the Gap however also involved a Sooty Shearwater. Small numbers of both commoner skuas are now an expected daily occurence.  Yesterday (25th), a Black Tern went […]

24th August 2018

2018-08-24T18:11:47+01:00August 24th, 2018|

Another Black Tern was today’s highlight, while yesterday’s (23rd) were 35 Willow Warblers in Top Scrub and a Little Ringed Plover on the Rocket Pole Field pond. The 22nd saw a good selection locally including two Spotted Redshanks at the Dams, an Osprey south, 72 Whimbrels south over town, and three Black Terns, 124 Common […]

20th August 2018

2018-08-20T05:07:10+01:00August 20th, 2018|

The last few days days have mostly been about waders, with good numbers passing through and stopping off, especially at the Dams and East Lea. Highlights there (most of which are still present) include Spotted Redshank, up to 11 Black-tailed Godwits, 19 Dunlin, 30 Snipe, six Green Sandpipers, Greenshank, Little Ringed and Ringed Plover, three […]

13th August 2018

2018-08-13T19:01:54+01:00August 13th, 2018|

A small arrival of passerines arrived on Carr Naze in the fog early afternoon, with single Garden Warbler, Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler there; a further 20 Willow Warblers, two Garden Warblers and a Sedge Warbler were in Top Scrub. Little Egrets were on the Brigg and East Lea, a Pomarine Skua, 187 Oystercatchers and three Grey […]

11th August 2018

2018-08-11T19:02:01+01:00August 11th, 2018|

A Merlin went east over Top Scrub this morning, a Hummingbird Hawkmoth was on Carr Naze, at least five Yellow Wagtails remain in the Carr Naze Pond area, and a similar cast of waders are at East Lea and the Dams. Yesterday (10th), single Balearic and Sooty Shearwaters were off the Brigg, along with four […]

8th August 2018

2018-08-08T13:57:41+01:00August 8th, 2018|

A Merlin came in off the sea and hunted over Carr Naze early afternoon, two Roseate Terns and – one of them or another later in the morning – were feeding off the Brigg, an adult Pomarine Skua and an Arctic Skua moved north, a Grey Plover and 14 Whimbrels were among waders on the […]

6th August 2018

2018-08-06T13:51:44+01:00August 6th, 2018|

Three Minke Whales (the peak count so far this year) were feeding north and north east of the Brigg today, while two Hobbies came in off the sea and a Marsh Harrier went north. Two Arctic Skuas went south, and a decent arrival in Top Scrub included 40 Willow warblers (15 ringed) and one Pied […]

3rd August 2018

2018-08-03T13:19:34+01:00August 3rd, 2018|

A colour-ringed adult Mediterranean Gull was at the Dams and an Avocet went south off the Brigg today, with other waders on the move in reasonable numbers, which included 45 Redshank and 114 Whimbrels. In addition, 22 Common Terns went north. Yesterday (2nd) a Minke Whale was off the Brigg and a Brown Argus was […]

31st July 2018

2018-07-31T16:38:02+01:00July 31st, 2018|

Two Minke whales went north past the Brigg this morning with a third past the Gap earlier, and other movement at sea included 97 Sandwich Terns and 46 Knot. On the Brigg, a further 51 Knot were among a good cast of waders which also included 15 Dunlin and 21 Turnstones, as well a a […]

27th July 2018

2018-07-27T13:41:23+01:00July 27th, 2018|

The season’s first Marsh Harrier flew west at Newbiggin, 25 Whimbrels went south over Carr Naze in the late afternoon, an Arctic Skua, four Sanderling and 10 Manxies were the best of the sea, a Pintail, a Little Egret and a Shoverl were at East Lea, while the highlight of the day was undoubtedly the […]