
31st March 2018

2018-03-31T15:18:54+01:00March 31st, 2018|

Recent sightings (in chronological order) – 15th: Woodcocks at Top Scrub and Gristhorpe roundabout. 16th: a Blue fulmar on the seawatch. 17th: female Black Redstart St Oswald’s church, 60 Blackbirds among smaller numbers of other thrushes in the Top Scrub area, male Scaup and still two Velvet Scoters in the bay (with at least one remaining for […]

14th March 2018

2018-03-14T14:50:58+00:00March 14th, 2018|

A Scandinavian Rock Pipit was among a total of six of the species in the Carr Naze area today, with 30 Pink-feet north over the town, a Tawny Owl in long Plantation and Yellowhammers in song at the Tip and Filey Fields Farm. Yesterday (13th) two Pintail went north and a Siskin was on Brigg […]

9th March 2018

2018-03-09T15:41:08+00:00March 9th, 2018|

A Blackcap was at Hunmanby Gap on 6th, while the bird of the month so far was undoubtedly the Great Egret that flew from the Dams and over the town on the early morning of 7th (DL, GD). Otter activity at the Dams has been regular in recent days, while Red-necked Grebe and eight Velvet […]

5th March 2018

2018-03-05T14:54:51+00:00March 5th, 2018|

11 dark-bellied Brents were in the bay on 3rd, when an adult Little Gull was with large numbers of Larids (including 470 Common Gulls) feeding in the bay corner at last light. A Velvet Scoter and two Eider remained in the same area, while a set-aside field just north of Reighton Gap held an extraordinary […]

28th February 2018

2018-02-28T13:21:49+00:00February 28th, 2018|

  The Siberian airflow has brought bone-shaking storm force easterly winds, heavy snow and plummeting temperatures over the last few days, which has encouraged some cold weather movements into the area. Most notably, Fieldfares have arrived and moved through in good numbers, with several hundred per day and many birds in gardens, along roadsides, in […]

23rd February 2018

2018-02-23T12:01:52+00:00February 23rd, 2018|

The late winter doldrums continue, with few records of note. The pick of a very quiet sea was a Blue Fulmar north on 22nd, plus a Goldeneye north on 21st and a male Velvet Scoter in the bay since 17th. Otherwise, the Dams is hosting up to three Shovelers, a Shelduck, a male Pochard, up […]

16th February 2018

2018-02-16T11:03:36+00:00February 16th, 2018|

Typically quiet over recent days. The sea has been extremely poor so far this year, although a belatedly-reported Bottlenose Dolphin north on 13th was notable. A single Pink-footed Goose remains with the ferals at the Dams / East Lea, where up to 85 Wigeon, two Mute Swan and 30 Teal are also present. The pair […]

10th February 2018

2018-02-10T11:48:01+00:00February 10th, 2018|

It remains quiet locally, with most records of note involving long-stayers. On 1st, 61 Pink-feet and a Chiffchaff at East Lea. On 4th, 65 Pink-feet at the Dams and two Blue Fulmars north off the Brigg. On 5th, a Snow Bunting in the Rocket Pole Field, two Shelduck and the hybrid Shelduck at the Dams, […]

31st January 2018

2018-01-31T08:42:00+00:00January 31st, 2018|

A fairly quiet end the the month, with winter geese once again providing the highlights. White-fronted Geese have again graced the area, with five around the Dams on 27th, while odd Pink-feet there were joined by a flock of 61 on 31st. Otherwise, the Dams continues to host three Shoveler, three Gadwall, up to 60 […]

25th January 2018

2018-01-25T12:17:43+00:00January 25th, 2018|

A fairly quiet period in the area, although highlights have included: presumably the same flock of Russian White-fronted Geese in the East Lea area (still 19 on 17th, up to 26 on 22nd, 22 on 23rd), with 14 south on 19th; a flock of 25 redpolls, including two Mealies, at Hunmanby Gap (to 18th at […]