
21st April 2017

2017-04-21T15:09:29+01:00April 21st, 2017|

Another excellent morning for visible migration, with Hunmanby Gap once again rewarding dedicated efforts and Gristhorpe Bay beginning to yield interesting results and records. Bird of the day was an adult female Montagu’s Harrier which drifted north inland at the Gap shortly before 0700hrs (KC, NC), reappearing a full 45 minutes later pursued by crows […]

20th April 2017

2017-04-20T14:57:48+01:00April 20th, 2017|

Another good morning for the visible migration watchers at either end of our recording area, with an Osprey along the cliffs and south-east early on at Gristhorpe Bay (MJP) and a Marsh Harrier north at the Gap and then Gristhorpe Bay (KC, MJP). A Twite and a White Wagtail also bypassed the Gap (KC), and […]

17th April 2017

2017-04-17T11:41:18+01:00April 17th, 2017|

A quieter week than others of late, with high pressure and winds from the northerly sector equalling lesser returns re: incoming migrants in recent days. Visible migration studies at Hunmanby Gap continue to provide plenty of interest, with highlights of a Little Egret, a Brambling and over 300 Linnets through yesterday (16th), 250 Linnets and […]

10th April 2017

2017-04-10T18:04:48+01:00April 10th, 2017|

Another busy few days, although today was somewhat quieter, with seven Wheatears (six Carr Naze, one Gap) the most notable record. Yesterday (9th) saw a Firecrest at the Dams (please contact us if it you’re the observer who photographed the bird so we can credit you), a singing Corn Bunting at the Gap (an unusual […]

6th April 2017

2017-04-06T17:17:04+01:00April 6th, 2017|

The action continues over the last couple of days, with highlights today of a Green Woodpecker (locally very rare) briefly on Carr Naze and a Hooded Crow in the Top Fields (DL), Snow Bunting and Marsh Harrier north at Gristhorpe Bay (MJP) and a Red Kite over the town (J & TGD).  Yesterday (5th) saw […]

3rd April 2017

2017-04-03T20:28:46+01:00April 3rd, 2017|

A busy start to the new month, with 2nd calendar-year Glaucous and Mediterranean Gulls off the Brigg on 1st (MA), when visible migration included a very early Yellow Wagtail over long Lane and 222 Linnets, two Bramblings, two Crossbills, two Sand Martins, 11 Whooper Swans and 75 Redwings past the Gap. The same or another […]

31st March 2017

2017-03-31T22:14:52+01:00March 31st, 2017|

(With apologies for the delay due to, and appreciation for donations for, Champions Of The Flyway 2017). A week of welcome spring arrivals, with the first Wheatear on Carr Naze on 28th (with at least a further four there today), Sand Martins on several recent days (with a max of seven through at the Gap […]

22nd March 2017

2017-03-22T23:00:07+00:00March 22nd, 2017|

Notable records from the last couple of days include five Whooper Swans north at Gristhorpe Bay this morning, where four Crossbills headed south and a further 12 did likewise at the Gap, the venue for an early Bonxie north this afternoon. A Goosander went north over Carr Naze,  where a/the Black Redstart remained, while a […]

19th March 2017

2017-03-19T22:44:50+00:00March 19th, 2017|

Visible migration continues to provide most of the interest of late, with a good haul in blustery south-westerlies at the Gap this morning which included a Mediterranean Gull, 540 Meadow Pipits, 107 Siskins, 68 alba Wagtails, 140 chaffinches and 34 Redwings (KC). A Black Redstart was on Carr Naze on 18th (DL, MJP) and at least […]

15th March 2016

2017-03-15T15:45:12+00:00March 15th, 2017|

Most of the interest over the last few days has come from visible migration, with Hunmanby Gap producing a Ring Ouzel (KC), 55 Redwings, 566 Meadow Pipits and an excellent 76 alba Wagtails yesterday (14th) among other good totals (as always, see Trektelleren for full counts). The previous morning there (13th) provided two Corn Buntings, 145 […]