
29th September 2016

2016-09-29T18:43:00+01:00September 29th, 2016|

A surprisingly productive morning for visible migration (given the strong winds) resulted in 1184 House Martins, 324 Meadow Pipits, 386 Goldfinches and two Lapland Buntings south at the Gap; good passage there yesterday included three Curlew Sandpipers north and 89 Siskins south (KC). Full counts as ever over on Trektellen.   Otherwise, the Dams has […]

26th September 2016

2016-09-26T20:20:04+01:00September 26th, 2016|

An entertainingly busy day today, or rather morning, with a flurry of activity in the couple of hours after dawn producing several notable sightings and some good numbers of migrants. A first-year ring-tail Harrier species, seen several times between Hunmanby Gap and Primrose Valley (KC, MJP), as yet precludes positive identification (hopefully more to come […]

25th September 2016

2016-09-25T19:35:20+01:00September 25th, 2016|

A busy day for flyovers today in brisk south-westerly winds, with two Great White Egrets heading north-west over the area late morning (SC, JS, CS) and a Hen Harrier and a Jack Snipe the pick of vismig at Hunmanby Gap this morning (KC); also through at the latter site were a late Swift, 36 Siskins, […]

22nd September 2016

2016-09-22T21:25:47+01:00September 22nd, 2016|

A generally fine day with a freshening southerly wind and few new arrivals, although a minimum of 14 Yellow-browed Warblers remained in those areas covered (12 in the Country Park / Church Ravine area and two at Hunmanby Gap). A Short-eared Owl, a Spotted Flycatcher and six Wheatears were new on Carr Naze this morning, […]

21st September 2016

2016-09-21T22:15:43+01:00September 21st, 2016|

A promising north-easterly airflow across the North Sea delivered an avalanche of Russian invaders today in the multiple spritely shapes of at least 34 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERS – more than three times our previous day record (and almost as many as the record year total of 38 in 2013!). The majority were in the northern coastal […]

20th September 2016

2016-09-20T22:13:18+01:00September 20th, 2016|

A day of drizzle and brisk north-westerly to northerly winds becoming drier and a little less windy by mid afternoon. It may have been gloomy but the star of the show was far from it, with a sudden influx of Yellow-browed Warblers in the afternoon totalling nine overall, with two on Carr Naze, four in […]

19th September 2016

2016-09-19T21:01:46+01:00September 19th, 2016|

A quieter couple of days, with today’s highlight being a Long-tailed Skua on the sea off the Brigg this morning (JP, CW) and a Great Northern Diver off Hunmanby Gap. Yesterday, visible migration in the morning involed small numbers of Siskins, Redpolls, Chaffinches and Tree Sparrows, a Redstart was trapped in Top Scrub, a White-fronted […]

17th September 2016

2016-09-17T21:23:45+01:00September 17th, 2016|

  Strong northerlies for much of the day dictated almost all attentions were paid to the sea, and good coverage was rewarded with some impressive counts. (Note that the following tallies avoid duplication by taking the highest counts from The Brigg and the Gap – for full counts see Trektellen). Sooty Shearwaters totalled 274 north […]

16th September 2016

2016-09-16T21:31:00+01:00September 16th, 2016|

A day of increasingly strong north-westerly winds and heavy rain from late morning was predictably a non-starter for land-based observations but productive for sea passage, and eight hours from the hide produced highlights including a juvenile Long-tailed Skua south (MJP), a Pomarine Skua south (JS, JP), six Sooty Shearwaters, 38 Manx Shearwaters, strong wildfowl movements […]

15th September 2016

2016-09-15T22:37:06+01:00September 15th, 2016|

A day of light winds, warm temperatures and thick fog, which hampered observations across the area for much of the time. A small arrival of land migrants included a Redstart on Long Hedge, a Whinchat, three Willow Warblers and two Wheatears on Carr Naze, and 15 Goldcrests, eight Willow Warblers, 10 Chiffchaffs, 10 Song Thrushes […]