
7th August 2016

2016-08-07T09:44:21+01:00August 7th, 2016|

After much searching (and several false starts), Filey’s first conclusive Caspian Gull was found within a Larid assemblage just west of the Dams today (MJP, DL). Otherwise, the Dams held two Ringed Plovers, a Greenshank, three Green Sandpipers and a Dunlin, and dragonflies included several Ruddy Darters there and a Southern Hawker at East Lea.

6th August 2016

2016-08-06T20:26:22+01:00August 6th, 2016|

Most of the limited activity over the last couple of days has involved waders at East Lea and (particularly) the Dams, where the first Wood Sandpiper of the season dropped in on 4th. Back-up there has included Green Sandpipers (with a clear peak of seven on the evening of 4th), two Common Sandpipers, odd Black-tailed […]

3rd August 2016

2016-08-03T17:10:24+01:00August 3rd, 2016|

A promising start to the first month of the birding autumn, with a Honey Buzzard east along the North Cliff early this morning (MJP); a Sooty Shearwater and two Manx Shearwaters went north at the Gap, and a Little Ringed Plover was at the Dams (along with four Dunlin, three Green Sandpipers, a Common Sandpiper […]

31st July 2016

2016-07-31T19:11:51+01:00July 31st, 2016|

The month ended with activity at the Dams and East Lea picking up (as expected at this point in the season), with combined wader totals including ten Black-tailed Godwits on 29th (eight Dams, two East Lea), single Ruff & Greenshank (both Dams, 29th, with the same Ruff at East Lea on 30th), up to ten […]

28th July 2016

2016-07-28T22:09:04+01:00July 28th, 2016|

Two juvenile Marsh Harriers again frequented the northern area today, one again at the Dams and East Lea and another in the Carr Naze / Country Park area. On the sea, the odd Great and Arctic Skua and small numbers of the common terns are the best of a continuing quiet period, with a similarly […]

26th July 2016

2016-07-26T22:31:52+01:00July 26th, 2016|

Early raptor movements have begun over the last couple of days, with a Hobby at the Dams on 24th and Marsh Harriers at North Cliff yesterday and at the Dams today. Otherwise, the latter site is holding up to four Green and two Common Sandpipers (with one of each at East Lea), as well as […]

23rd July 2016

2016-07-23T20:08:43+01:00July 23rd, 2016|

Wader passage picked up significantly today over the sea, with combined (rough) totals from Hunmanby Gap and the Brigg of c150 Whimbrel, 150 Dunlin, 80 Redshank, 70 Knot and as many as 150 unidentified Calidris waders. Also recorded were c180 Sandwich Terns north and an adult summer Little Gull feeding off the Brigg before heading […]

20th July 2016

2016-07-20T10:23:58+01:00July 20th, 2016|

Today’s highlight was a Black Tern which headed south off the Brigg late afternoon, the second of the year (MJP). Other seawatch records today included a good passage of waders in the morning, which included 130 Knot, 112 Dunlin, 42 Sanderling and 54 Redshank; 28 Manxies also went south. At the Dams, waders have included two […]

17th July 2016

2016-07-17T21:21:02+01:00July 17th, 2016|

The highlight of the last few days was a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull which followed a fishing boat north past the Brigg this morning (MJP) – the first this year. A dark-morph Arctic Skua went south yesterday (16th) on what has been a quiet sea so far this July. The 14th saw the first returning Purple […]

13th July 2016

2016-07-13T16:30:42+01:00July 13th, 2016|

Today’s seawatching produced single Great and Arctic Skuas, 442 Common Scoters north, 25 Manx Shearwaters, a Bar-tailed Godwit and 230 Fulmars north, with six Knot and a Turnstone among small numbers of waders on the Brigg and a juvenile Grey Wagtail at Carr Naze pond; East Lea hosted a Little Ringed Plover, two Shelducks, a […]