
13th May 2016

2016-05-13T18:59:28+01:00May 13th, 2016|

A quiet couple of days hampered by strong northerly winds. Four Garganey were reported off the Brigg, where the Surf Scoter remains, with six Manx Shearwaters the pick of another unremarkable morning’s seawatching. Nine Mute Swans arrived at the Dams this morning, joining singles there and at East Lea, with all 11 relocating to the […]

11th May 2016

2016-05-11T20:37:09+01:00May 11th, 2016|

Moderate north-easterlies with cloud and some brightness today, and a small sprinkling of new arrivals which included a Spotted Flycatcher at the Dams, three Redstarts in the Top Scrub / Long Lane area, Whinchats at the rocket Pole Field and the Tip, a Pied Flycatcher in Parish Wood and three Greenland Wheatears on Carr Naze. […]

10th May 2016

2016-05-10T21:32:24+01:00May 10th, 2016|

Light to moderate north-easterlies with high cloud today, with the clear highlight being the summer-plumage Black Tern that headed high and south along the bay (MJP). Also this morning a Manx Shearwater headed south, waders on the Brigg included a Knot, a Sanderling, seven Turnstones and 12 Dunlin, and the Surf Scoter returned to the […]

9th May 2016

2016-05-09T21:52:49+01:00May 9th, 2016|

A sunny and mild day with a light easterly wind produced few new arrivals, although a Spotted Flycatcher in the orchard was a first for the year and wader interest was provided by a Greenshank over, a Little Ringed Plover and two Lapwings at the Dams and a Common Sandpiper at East Lea. The Bluethroat […]

8th May 2016

2016-05-08T22:00:16+01:00May 8th, 2016|

A day of sunshine of increasing temperatures after early fog and mist with a light north-easterly, and a gem of a bird to reward the ringing team’s pre-dawn endeavours – a cracking male Red-spotted Bluethroat was trapped before 0600hrs, and went on to perform superbly for a steady stream of admirers in the Rocket Pole […]

7th May 2016

2016-05-07T20:57:48+01:00May 7th, 2016|

A day of thick fog and a cold northerly wind hampering observations. On the sea (at least, the sliver that could be seen) a few terns on the move included two Common and one Arctic, the Surf Scoter was just visible in the murk, while five Yellow Wagtails, 85 Swallows, 60 Sand Martins and 15 […]

6th May 2016

2016-05-06T21:54:39+01:00May 6th, 2016|

A quieter day today with a light easterly wind and plenty of sunshine. After three days awol (at least two of which were spent at Flamborough), the first-year drake Surf Scoter returned and was close inshore along the north side of the Brigg. On the sea, a good movement of Sandwich Terns numbered 371 south […]

5th May 2016

2016-05-05T21:10:19+01:00May 5th, 2016|

A mostly sunny day with a moderate to brisk southerly wind which delivered plenty of interest. Highlights included a Red Kite south over the Country Park (MJP, IR) and a Black Redstart briefly at the Yacht Club (CW), plus firsts of the year in the shape of an Arctic Tern in the bay, a male Pied […]

4th May 2016

2016-05-04T21:40:25+01:00May 4th, 2016|

A quiet day today with a strong southerly wind and sunshine. Two Greenland-type Wheatears were fresh-in on Carr Naze, 18 Sandwich Terns and a single Red-throated Diver were the pick of the sea, and a Common Sandpiper was on the Brigg.

3rd May 2016

2016-05-03T21:10:31+01:00May 3rd, 2016|

Today’s highlight was a local rarity in the shape of a female Red-crested Pochard (HJW et al) at the Dams, where there was also a Little Egret, a Dunlin and the usual cast of regulars (including e.g five Grey Herons, four Gadwall and 12 Teal). Visible migration from Muston Sands this morning included the year’s […]