Another quiet month
On 1st 26 Curlew on farmland adjacent to East Lea pool. A long-staying Red-necked Grebe (all through February) was off Carr Naze. On 2nd Barnacle Geese still Football Field Flash and two – three Short-eared Owls at the Tip all month. Thirteen Great Crested Grebe off Martin’s Ravine on 3rd. on 5th 185 Red throated Diver and 3 Great Northern Diver plus at least 13 Great Crested Grebe in Filey Bay. Five White-fronted Geese on 7th at East Lea. One Velvet Scoter flew south at Hunmanby Gap with 6 Common Scoter. 40 Sanderling and 28 Oystercatcher feeding on big shellfish wreck with hundreds of gulls – mostly Herring Gull, on 15th. In bay roost one ad Lesser Black-backed, 1,190 Common, 62 Black-headed, 100 Herring. On 16th over 1,000 Guillemots on sea brigg end/bay/north cliffs + more passing. 11 Turnstone, 14 Purple Sandpiper in Bay Corner and 21 on Brigg, 12 Ringed Plover, 4 Redshank, 26 Oystercatcher, 3 Dunlin, 1 Curlew, 10 Cormorant, 4 Shag, 1 Common Scoter, 1 Red-throated Diver off Brigg end and 7 passed north. Five Whitefronts, one Egyptian Goose and 90 Wigeon at East Lea. A Jay was a garden tick. A Slavonian Grebe on west side brigg was a brief visitor on 25th. On 27th two male Eider Brigg end bay side. Ten White-fronted Geese were grazing with Canadians in fields next to East Lea.