A quiet month, waiting for autumn movement to begin. Short-eared Owl and Garganey were often seen. On 1st 20 Common Scoter flew north past Carr Naze, with a Little Egret at the Dams and a young Kestrel at nest box entrance. On 2nd An Arctic Skua went south from Carr Naze and there was a Short-eared Owl in the Rocket Post field. On 3rd Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper and a Dunlin were at East Lea. A Minke Whale and 10 Bottlenose Dolphins were off Carr Naze. On 4th at Hunmanby Gap: Swift 305N, 148S. Common Scoter 43 in the bay. A Spoonbill still present at East Lea on 6th. A Mediterranean gull second-year was on the sea off Carr Naze Brigg end. Another large white bird, a Great White Egret was at Filey Dams on 10th. An adult Hobby flew north over Carr Naze pond on 12th. A single Golden Plover was flushed from Brigg by the sea-watch hide on 15th. Two Garganeys with Teals at far end East Lea. Also Black-tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, 2 Common Sands, Dunlin & c.50 Lapwings. A Marbled White butterfly was at Coble Landing, with a total of 13 Whimbrel south west at Hunmanby Gap during the day. On 17th 2 or 3 Minke Whales fed distantly in bay. On 20th a rare summer sighting of two Red-necked Grebes on sea off Brigg. Also 2 Arctic Terns. A Cuckoo was hawking insects over Rocket Post field. On 21st seven Little Egret went inland from Hunmanby Gap, inland to East Lea. Also 1 roosted at Dams. There were 35 Sandwich Terns and 2 Whimbrels in Bay corner on 23rd. An Osprey flew over East Lea. On 24th a juvenile Marsh Harrier flew over fields above the ‘football field flash’. A juvenile Cuckoo was at Filey Dams near central hide, and stayed until 28th. On 26th a creamcrown Marsh Harrier flew south at Hunmanby Gap. Circa 45 Bottlenose Dolphin headed towards Filey Brigg from the north. A Minke Whale was seen approximately 3 miles north off the Brigg on 28th. Yet another Marsh Harrier was seen at East Lea on 29th. At East Lea: 4 juvenile Little Egrets, Snipe 1 Green Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 2, Dunlin 4 and a Mistle Thrush. On 30th on the Brigg: 5 Common Terns, 2 Sandwich Terns, 2 Arctic Terns, 2 Common Sandpipers, a Knot and a Whimbrel.