The Short-eared Owls continued to be seen all month around the Tip. On 1st there were three female Eiders on sea. On 5th an Avocet at East Lea. A Red Kite over the football flash on 6th.  A Wheatear was a surprise late spring bird on Carr Naze . On 7th 438 Swifts went south. The Avocet was still at East Lea plus 11 young Shelducks. Two Mute Swans with two Cygnets at Filey Dams.  On 14th 580 Swifts went south at Hunmanby Gap between 04:30-05:50. Twelve Bottlenose Dolphins went south past Brigg. On 15th a female Garganey with 3 or 4 small young was seen, Fileys’s first breeding record, on Filey Dams main pool near sand martin box, keeping in the reeds. Teal also bred, only the second record, since the first in 1991. A ring-tail Harrier (probably Montagu’s) was distant and high, soaring then west over back of Filey Dams towards Muston Carrs. A Green Sandpiper was at Filey Dams central hide. Local rarity Marsh Tit was behind East pool hide on 20th. A Hobby flew through Filey Dams. A Great White Egret was on a pond in flood alleviation meadow back of Wooldale on 21st. A Greenshank dropped into Filey Dams from central hide. Two Hobby flew over Carr Naze on 23rd. A Great White Egret was briefly at Filey Dams. An unusual late male Goldeneye was at East Lea. On 25th a Green Sandpiper & three Black-tailed Godwits were at Filey Dams, with the Great White Egret dropping into East Lea, before being chased off by a Heron. Three Little Ringed Plovers were at Filey Dams on 26th. On 27th a dozen Black-tailed Godwits nearly landed on the scrape but disappeared south.  Over 3,500 Swifts went south at the Gap on 28th plus Hobby and three Red Kites. One Common Sandpiper was at Filey Dams. A Cetti’s Warbler was singing by The Bay coastal pond, which had been present for some time. Two Manx Shearwaters flew north off Brigg end on 29th. An eclipse drake Pintail was at Filey Dams. The month finished with a Hobby over Muston Grange caravan park towards Filey and one Green Sandpiper and one Black-tailed Godwit at East Lea.