News & Events2020-06-25T14:03:31+01:00


July sightings

August 1st, 2024|

A quiet month, waiting for autumn movement to begin. Short-eared Owl and Garganey were often seen. On 1st 20 Common Scoter flew north past Carr Naze, with a Little Egret

June sightings

July 4th, 2024|

The Short-eared Owls continued to be seen all month around the Tip. On 1st there were three female Eiders on sea. On 5th an Avocet at East Lea. A Red

May Migration

June 21st, 2024|

Three Short-eared Owls remained all month. A Whinchat was seen on 1st. A female Merlin was in the Top stubble field on 2nd. The Long-tailed Duck continued its stay at

April Sightings

May 6th, 2024|

The Long-tailed Duck continued its amazing stay at East Lea all month. A Ring Ouzel was on Carr Naze on 1st. On 2nd three Great Northern Diver, seven Red-throated Diver

March sightings

April 4th, 2024|

On 1st a Bar-tailed Godwit was in the Country Park, with two Lapland Bunting at the edge of the stubble field, North Cliff. The Velvet Scoter was still off Cable

February sightings

March 4th, 2024|

On 1st two Lapland and Snow Bunting were on Carr Naze. A long-staying Bar-tailed Godwit was on the Country Park or Brigg all month.  11 Snow Buntings were in the

January sightings

January 28th, 2024|

Twenty Yellowhammer were in the collared flycatcher hedge on 1st, with 50 Snow Bunting in a North Cliff stubble field. Seven Bottle-nosed Dolphin including 1 calf headed north. The female

December sightings

January 4th, 2024|

On 1st 4 Yellowhammer, single Corn Bunting and 20 Reed Bunting were in the hedge north of the football club up to North Cliff. 74 Dunlin were on the Brigg